Monday, November 12, 2012

Its that time again.

After a few more weeks out the game, its time to get my shit together and get my arse in gear.
The whole P90X monica was #Fit4Forty, and with that milestone only 90 odd days away, there is no better time to get back in the groove.

At this point I would love to say I'm pumped, motivated and ready for the challenge, but I'm really not lol.
I'm sure this time next week I will be all fired up, but for now, there is no real enthusiasm. Other than the bit of self pride left in me that reminds me that I set myself a challenge.

So, here we go again. 3 months of interesting changes to my daily activities, and let's see what becomes of it all. As ever the dynamic has changed somewhat, but let's see what I can do with it.

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