Saturday, May 26, 2012

Round 2 - Week 1 is over

The first thing I have to say is, weighted vests, they make an amazing difference, especially when you are at a stage where your form and endurance is good. This week alone I have seen massive changes in how I train, and how I feel after.
For example now. Kenpo has become very manageable. Not easy, but I knew my way through it, and maybe was able to manage myself through it. Today, woah! Totally different, I am already aching, and very fatigued in my thighs and butt, but it feels great.

So week 1 of P90X, taking into account the changes I have introduced has been epic. I am loving the new found edge on the program, and can't explain how different I feel within. Amazing energy levels and confidence in the new me. Vanity at a whole new level, shop windows are fair game lol.

The push-up bars have ensured I hit my chest so hard this week, that added range has reached to the very edges of the muscles, and my chest is already tighter and I stand prouder. The increased weights on arm routines have left the muscles writhing. Definition in my arms, calf muscles and other areas is really coming out now.

In short, where I once wondered if I would remain motivated on the second round, I am already wondering what I can bring to Round 3. I know 100% I will be completing this program all over again, and as the summer gets into full swing, the endorphins rushing through my body just excite me and drive me even more to become EPIC lol.

Energised, motivated, driven. All the things that I am right now, and I hope that in some way it motivates YOU too. P90X isn't a one off, its not something you complete. Its a lifestyle that you fit into your life. As time progresses it becomes built into the fibre of your day. I'm not saying it will be doing the same 12 DVD's for life, but I do want to feel this alive every day I can, and want to keep challenging myself to make sure I achieve that goal.

Whatever week of the program you are in, just about to start, end of phase 1 or just considering it at this stage, know one thing, if you have the drive, the results WILL follow.

Just before I go I want to say that my diet has been as clean as possible this week, much better than previous weeks, and if I'm honest I am not sure how that has worked out. Energy levels are still high, but so is fatigue. Maybe that's because of the added intensity? The following weeks will soon tell. I like keeping the diet clean though, feels nice within.

Have a great workout, and a great weekend all :)
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